Fighting Fascist Spain -- The Exhibits is an online collection and interpretive exhibits that recover, preserve, and make available US Hispanic antifascist print culture. FFSTE visualizes workers' protest fashioned by the alternative intellectual, cultural, and political traditions and institutions: grassroots associations, the alternative press, and the comic and farcical theater. All of which provided opportunities for antifascist activism in the United States.
Periodical research diversifies antifascist studies by including migrants and radical workers in the cultural and historical discourse. Therefore, FFSTE becomes a US Hispanic Antifascist hub to support antifascist researchers, descendants, and the general interested public in their efforts to:
recover information on victims of fascism and their allies
express historical justice
dignify the victims' and antifascists' voices and perspectives
The Exhibit does not merely recover evidence of workers’ antifascist visual culture but helps articulate how their politics and culture shaped knowledge from below. This digital collection not only recovers grassroots efforts but also local and global networks of political protest and solidarity. Texts and images in US Spanish-language periodicals include but are not limited to:
Extraordinary Communities: announcements and photographs of rallies and demonstrations, photographs, and obituaries of demonstrators
Antifascist Stage: announcements of cultural fundraisers and antifascist plays, photographs, and obituaries of participants
Graphic Arts: drawings, photographs, and obituaries of artists
Montse Feu is an Associate Professor of Spanish at Sam Houston State University. She recovers and explores the Spanish Civil War exile culture in the United States, US Hispanic anarchist culture, and US Spanish periodicals at large. She is the author of Fighting Fascist Spain. Worker Protest from the Printing Press (2020) and Correspondencia personal y política de un anarcosindicalista exiliado: Jesús González Malo (1943-1965) (2016). With Christopher Castañeda, she edited Writing Revolution: Hispanic Anarchism in the United States (2019). Visitors are welcome to contact her (
Also see
How to cite the project: Montse Feu. "Fighting Fascist Spain --The Exhibits." Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Digital Collections. Accessed [DATE].
Funded by: 2020 Grants-in-aid of the US Latino Digital Humanities (USLDH) program ($7,500; Technical Assistant Jenny Patlan); Summer 2021 FAST SHSU Award ($10,000; Research Assistants Diego Colindres, Bailey Mills, Abigail Schafer).
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