Research and Publications
My research started as a graduate researcher at the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project at the University of Houston in 2007. Since then, I have shared the culture of U.S. Hispanic workers in their fight against fascism, U.S. Hispanic periodicals, and migration and exile literature. This work involves recovering and interpreting forgotten knowledge in periodical and personal archives. For example, Correspondencia personal y política de un anarcosindicalista exiliado: Jesús González Malo (1950-1965) (2016) compiles Malo's letters to show how grassroots leaders strengthened their networks in the context of transnational antifascism and anarchism. Likewise, I co-edited Writing Revolution: Hispanic Anarchism in the United States (2019) to examine how Spanish-language anarchist print culture established and maintained transnational networks from the late nineteenth through twentieth centuries to fight oppressive states. These networks were later crucial for organized resistance against fascism, as detailed in Fighting Fascist Spain: Worker Protest from the Printing Press (2020). My most recent transcription, translation, and edition of Aurelio Pego’s humorous chronicles,The Antifascist Chronicles of Aurelio Pego: A Critical Anthology (2021), demonstrates how U.S. Hispanics identified the characteristics of Spanish fascism and exposed them in an era when Francisco Franco became an ally to the U.S. in the global fight against Communism. I regularly publish in peer-reviewed publications and am the curator of Fighting Fascist Spain -- The Exhibits, among other projects. In these outlets, I share my findings about U.S. Hispanic antifascists, who were committed to generating their own non-institutionalized and transnational modes of organizing from the ground up. They had a clear transnational consciousness: old migrants and new exiles from European fascism coalesced in overlapping communities across the U. S. In the periodicals that emerged from these communities, antifascists expressed grassroots, prefigurative politics and international solidarity; they organized nonviolent direct action in the form of cultural fundraising, political rallies, pickets, and demonstrations across the U. S. to fight fascism. Funds were sent to victims of fascism and the clandestine resistance.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
“Chronicling the Modern US: Aurelio Pego’s Immigration Journalism.” in Americanized Spanish Culture: Stories and Storytellers of Dislocated Empires, eds Christopher J. Castañeda and Miguel Bota. New York: Routledge 2022.
“The Will to Empire: Josep Bartolí’s Editorial Humor in New York Paper Ibérica.” in Americanized Spanish Culture: Stories and Storytellers of Dislocated Empires, eds Christopher J. Castañeda and Miguel Bota New York: Routledge, 2022.
“Ramón J. Sender’s Sublime Visions of Freedom in Relatos fronterizos (1970). Debra D. Andrist (Ed.) Crossroads. Times and Space/ Tradition and Modernity in Hispanic Worlds. Sussex Academic Press, 2020, 162-178.
“Spanish-Language Publications and Readers” Ronald J. Zboray and Mary Zboray (Eds). The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture, Volume 5: U.S. Popular Print Culture to 1860. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, 627-640.
With Christopher Castañeda,“Introduction. Hispanic Anarchist Print Culture: Writing from Below.” Writing Revolution: Hispanic Anarchism in the United States. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2019.
“España Libre: Anarchist Literature and Antifascism, 1936-1977.” Writing Revolution: Hispanic Anarchism in the United States. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2019, 245-257.
Montse Feu and Olga Glondys, “Estados Unidos. Introducción.” Olga Glondys (Eds). La prensa cultural de los exiliados republicanos. Los años cuarenta. Sevilla: Editorial Renacimiento, 2018, 493-497.
“España Libre de Nueva York, exiliados y emigrantes Unidos por el antifascismo. Olga Glondys (Eds). La prensa cultural de los exiliados republicanos. Los años cuarenta. Sevilla: Editorial Renacimiento, 2018, 498-512.
“Maternalism, “Rooting” and Solidarity: The Poetry of Ángela Figuera Aymerich.” Debra D. Andrist (ed) S/HE Sex &Gender in Hispanic Cultures. Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press, 2017, 93-116.
“Julio Nombela’s La Fiebre de Riquezas: A Proletarian Folletin About Joaquín Murieta, the Californian Bandido.” Debra D. Andrist (ed) Insult to Injury. Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press, 2017, 124-143.
“Aesthetically Resilient: Josep Bartolí Guiu’s Political Cartoons in España Libre (1939-1977 NYC), a Spanish Civil War Exile Newspaper,” Debra D. Andrist (ed). The Body, Subject & Subjected. The Representation of the Body Itself, Illness, Injury, Treatment & Death in Spain and Indigenous and Hispanic American Art & Literature. Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press, 2016. 73-90. [2016 South Central Modern Language Association Book Prize].
“Transnational Working-Class Women’s Activism in New York’s Confederated Hispanic Societies (1939-1977).” Glenda Bonifacio (ed). Feminism and Migration: Cross-Cultural Engagements. New York: Springer, 2012. 187- 208.
Peer-reviewed Articles
"El arte y el humor gráfico en tres periódicos del exilio en Estados Unidos," Migraciones &Exilios. Cuadernos AEMIC, (2022).
(Convener) “FORUM: Recovering US Anarchism and its Press” Baeza Ventura, G.; Feu, M.; Jun, N.; Castañeda, C.; Zimmer, K.; Alamillo Olivas, R.; Reyes Ferrufino, D.; Cornell, A., American Periodicals. A Journal of History and Criticism. 29 (1) (April 2019), 1-25.
“Recovering Spanish-Language Anarchist Periodicals: Thoughts on Silences, Identities, Access, and Affective Engagement,” American Periodicals. A Journal of History and Criticism. 29 (1) (April 2019), 12-16.
“Antifascist Laughter in the Margins: Sergio Aragonés’s Mad Marginals” Cuadernos de Aldeeu 31 (Primavera 2017): 71-96.
““Transatlantic Trenches” in Spanish Civil War Journalism: Félix Martí Ibáñez and the Exile Newspaper España Libre (Free Spain, NYC 1939-1977).” Journal for the Study of Radicalism 10. 2 (Fall 2016): 53-78.
“Anarchist Aesthetics in Félix Martí Ibáñez’s “The Star Hunt.” Cuadernos de Aldeeu 30 (Primavera 2016): 35-48.
“The US Hispanic Flapper: Pelonas and Flapperismo in Spanish-language Newspapers 1920-1929.” Studies in American Humor Journal.1. 2 (2015): 192-217. [Research Society for American Periodicals Article Prize (2016)].
“Sergio Aragonés Marginalizes Francoism in España Libre (NYC)” Camino Real. Alcalá de Henares: Instituto Franklin- UAH, 7:10 (2015): 127-144.
“José Castilla Morales y España Libre (1939-1977): sátira contra la dictadura de Francisco Franco desde Henry Street, Brooklyn.” Migraciones & Exilios. Cuadernos AEMIC. 14 (2014): 87-104.
Pedagogical Articles
“Integración de literatura y lengua: la enseñanza de cursos básicos de español y la recuperación académica de periódicos hispano-estadounidenses" Doblele. Revista de lengua y literatura. 3 (Diciembre 2017): 31- 49. DOI:
"Transformation Was Definitely Her Specialty": Teaching Representation with Roberta Fernandez's "Amanda." Interdisciplinary Humanities 31.2 (Summer 2014): 47-61.
Book Reviews
“Spanish Fascist Writing. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Justin Crumbaugh and Nil Santiáñez. Trans. María Soledad Barbón, Justin Crumbaugh and Nil Santiáñez. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 2020. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2022.
“The Cambridge History of Latina/o American Literature, eds John Morán González and Laura Lomas. Cambridge University Press, Journal of American Studies, 55.2 (May 2021).
“Seth Michelson. Dreaming America: Voices of Undocumented Youth in Maximum-Security Detention.” Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures. 2.2 (Spring 2018), 234-7.
“Travis Tomchuk. Transnational Radicals. Italian Anarchists in Canada and the U.S. 1915-1940. Winnipeg, Manitoba: University of Manitoba Press, 2015 and Kenyon Zimmer. Immigrants against the State. Yiddish and Italian Anarchism in America. Urbana, Chicago Italian American Review (Winter 2017) 7.1, 77-80.
“James D. Fernández. Brevísima relación de la construcción de España y otros ensayos transatlánticos (1991-2001). Madrid: Ediciones Polifemo, 2013.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 16 (2015): 321-323.
“Matilde Eiroa San Francisco. Isabel de Palencia: Diplomacia, periodismo y militancia al servicio de la República. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga, 2014. 310 pp.” Letras Femeninas 41.1 (2015): 326-327.
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings
“España Libre: periódico de exilio en Nueva York.” Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Vol. VIII. Clara Lomas and Gabriela Baeza Ventura (eds). Houston: Arte Público Press, 2012. 61-78.
“Sátira y denuncia política desde Nueva York: Lirón, Onuba y Aurelio Pego.” Manuel Aznar Soler y José Ramón López García (eds). El exilio republicano de 1939 y la segunda generación. Sevilla: Editorial Renacimiento, 2011, 931-8.
“Interview with Sergio Aragonés, the Mad Pantomime Artist.” Cuadernos de Aldeeu 31 (Primavera 2017): 96-111.
Carlos García Santa Cecilia and Montse Feu, “José Nieto, último exiliado del franquismo, militante de la CNT, hizo de Nueva York su refugio” fronterad, Semana del 20 al 26 febrero 2015.
Exhibit texts for Places, SHSU. Curators: Michael Henderson and Melissa L. Mednicov. Artists: Maria Cristina Jadick, Phillip Pyle II, Giovanni Valderas, Fall 2021.
118 humorous literary chronicles by Aurelio Pego, collected and interpreted in Montse Feu, The Antifascist Chronicles of Aurelio Pego. Routledge, 2021.
“José Nieto, Last Exile from the Francisco Franco Dictatorship, CNT Militant, Found Refuge in New York.” fronterad, Semana del 20 al 26 febrero 2015.